You Love Angry Birds? A New Game Called ‘Angry Nigerian’ Is Coming Soon [PHOTO]

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A yet-to-be-released game called Angry Nigerian would soon be available on your mobile device, after a sneak peek was released yesterday by freelance illustrator, Alaba Onajin.

The theme and setting of the game takes after the popular Angry Birds and features familiar Nigerian personalities as characters including Nigeria’s President, Goodluck Jonathan, Nigeria’s Minister of Petroleum Resources, Diezani Alison-Madueke and Nigeria’s Minister of Finance, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.

If you’ve played Angry Birds, you would naturally understand what this game wants you to do: simply sling shot at those people — Nigeria’s leaders — who may be responsible for the country’s major problems.

You get the picture?
Onajin says that the idea of the game started as a joke, while he was playing Angry Birds and he decided to make it localised. The game’s artwork, according to him, took about one hour to design.

He added that the game is currently being developed and would likely be available on iOS and Android devices at first, before other platforms. He also says the game wouldn’t be in the same Angry Birds format, due to copyright issues.

We’ll be keeping an eye on this and would keep you updated as we know more.

(Image courtesy of Alaba Onajin via Facebook.)

(Source: Techloy)

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