Facebook Bug Creates Wall Posts That Can Never Be Deleted

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A recently found Facebook bug lets you to post un-deletable messages to friends’ walls.
Once you’ve blocked a person on Facebook, the person can no longer see content you’ve posted on the social network, including posts you've made to their wall. Because the content is no longer visible so it can’t be deleted. Except the block is removed, then the other party can see the post again.

 of Mashable said:

To test the theory, I posted a photo of a Spy Cat on Mashable Business Editor Todd Wasserman’s wall. He was able to see the message when I posted it. Then I blocked him a few minutes later. The image was no longer visible to either of us, but was visible to Christina Warren, who remained Todd’s unblocked Facebook friend.
Since you can’t remove what you can’t see, Todd could have potentially never realized I posted the photo in the first place, although it would still be visible to his entire friend base for eternity. He also wouldn’t be able to delete the post from his wall, nor will I unless I decide to unblock him on the site.
While our cat experiment is harmless, the vulnerability could be exploited maliciously by someone using a photo a bit more risqué than a cat looking through some window blinds.

Many other Technology Blogs also pulled out something like this, But till now, Facebook has not yet responded to it.

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